Term & Condition

Terms and Conditions

Please read these terms and conditions carefully before accessing or using the services of this website. This Terms and Conditions of Use Agreement (hereinafter referred to as Agreement) describe the terms and conditions applicable to your use of Blue Line India Medical Tourism, which is identified by the Uniform Resource Locator https://www.Blue Line India Medical Tourism.com .

This agreement has been entered into between you as the user of this Website (hereinafter referred to as User or Patient as the context may require) and Blue Line India Medical Tourism


1.Blue Line India Medical Tourism is a well-known Company engaged in the business of running a Web Based Health Care Information Centre Website (collectively referred to as Scheduled Hospitals) thus referring the inbound tourists interested/willing/desirous of getting economical Medical treatment in India for the ailments suffered by them, besides providing web based information duly certified by the Specialists/Doctors from the Scheduled Hospitals to the patients, as per their queries related to ailments suffered by them.

2. Blue Line India Medical Tourism besides being engaged in the above said activity is also in the business of providing services in the fields of ticketing, tour operations, good quality hotel accommodations as well as conveyance to the inbound tourists/foreign visitors.

3. The Patient who is visiting India is desirous of receiving Medical treatment during his/her stay in India and for the said purposes, intends to avail the services rendered by Blue Line India Medical Tourism upon terms and conditions stipulated herein below.

4. This Agreement envisages in Blue Line India Medical Tourism answering the web based medical queries raised by the Patient/User and referring such patients intending to get Medical Treatment at the Scheduled Hospital(s) in India.


1.By accessing or using the services of this Website, the User signifies his acceptance and acknowledgment to the terms and conditions set forth below as well as the terms and conditions amended by this Website from time to time, including expressly, but not limited to, those available by Hyperlink and general principles for the websites of its subsidiaries and affiliates. The User also agrees to the Disclaimer Privacy Policy of this Website. In addition, the User also agrees to the Blue Line India Medical Tourism Terms & Conditions of Booking Cancellation Policy. The User are advised not to use the services of this Website if they do not agree to these terms and conditions.

2.This Website reserves the right to revise/modify these terms and conditions at any point of time without notice or reason, by updating this page, and the Users use of this Website after any such revision/modification, signifies Users acceptance to the revised/modified terms and conditions. Therefore, the User is advised to check these terms and conditions periodically for any change(s). These terms and conditions were last updated on August 31st, 2020

3.The User agrees not to use services of this Website, if he is not able to form legally binding contracts, is less than 18 years of age or is temporarily or indefinitely suspended from this Website.

4.The User is solely responsible for any activity that occurs under his screen name or by use of his e mail account. The User hereby warrants that all information submitted by the User is true, current and complete. If information submitted by the User is found to be false, deceptive, incomplete or concealed deliberately, this Website reserves the right at its sole discretion to discontinue the service and/or terminate this Agreement immediately.

Terms and Conditions

Please read these terms and conditions carefully before accessing or using the services of this website. This Terms and Conditions of Use Agreement (hereinafter referred to as Agreement) describe the terms and conditions applicable to your use of Blue Line India Medical Tourism, which is identified by the Uniform Resource Locator https://www.Blue Line India Medical Tourism.com .

8. Mandates and Obligations of Blue Line India Medical Tourism

(a)Blue Line India Medical Tourism shall receive the query regarding ailment suffered by the patient desirous of receiving treatment in India and forward the same to the Specialist Doctor at Apollo hospital for his comments/suggestion coupled with his certificate of authenticity and revert back the same to the patient within 72 hours of the receipt of the said query.

(b)The Blue Line India Medical Tourism shall assimilate from the patient his/her complete Blue Line history/reports/health records coupled with the authentication by the Patient’s Doctor preparing the said Blue Line history/report, at least 8 working days prior to the date of arrival of the patient in India, and shall revert to the patient explaining him/her the type of treatment that shall be extended by the said Hospital(s) along with the terms and tariff normally charged by the said Hospital(s) from time to time.

(c) Before admission of the patient to said Hospital(s), the Scheduled Hospital(s) may ask for the commitment letter duly signed by the patient favouring the Scheduled Hospital(s), confirming that in the event of cross referral or additional diagnostic or treatment facility availed by the patient, the patient will pay the said Hospital(s) the expenses thereof before leaving the said Hospital in India. This matter is again an activity between the Patient and the Scheduled Hospital(s) and the this Website or Blue Line India Medical Tourism has no role to play and hence expressly disclaim any liability.

(d) In case the treatment extended to the patient is likely to go beyond the stipulated period of his stay in India, whereby making it necessary to get the extension of visa by the patient, in that event all the initial formalities i.e. filing of application as well as other relevant tasks ancillary to that shall be solely done by and shall be the responsibility of patient. However, Blue Line India Medical Tourism will assist the patient or his/her accompaniments in following the procedures and contacting the concerned Authorities, the costs of which shall be borne by the patient. The patient will pay to Blue Line India Medical Tourism the amount of service charge on account of assistance and other related service rendered.

(e) Blue Line India Medical Tourism shall arrange for the desired quality hotel accommodations, conveyance and other facilities for the patient and his/her accompaniments subject to payment made by the patient or his/her accompaniments against the invoices so raised by Blue Line India Medical Tourism for such services rendered from time to time.

(f)Blue Line India Medical Tourism shall refer the patients to the nearest Scheduled Hospital within India, in which state the patient is staying in India during his/her visit.

(g)Blue Line India Medical Tourism shall not entertain those queries where the patient coming under Insurance plan.

9. Obligations and Averments of the Patient

(a)The Patient shall forward to Blue Line India Medical Tourism his/her reports/Blue Line history papers/complete health details coupled with the certificate of authentication of Doctor preparing/issuing such report/papers, 10 days prior to his/her visit to India.

(b)Upon admission and Before the procedure in the Hospitals in India, the patient shall sign the commitment letter favoring the Scheduled Hospital(s), confirming that in the event of cross referral or additional diagnostic or treatment facility availed by the patient, the patient will pay the said Hospital(s) the expenses thereof before leaving the said Hospital in India. This time again this Website or Blue Line India Medical Tourism shall have no role to plat and the matter is between the Patient and the Scheduled Hospital.

(c) The Patient shall pay the complete estimated cost of treatment in advance to the said Hospital(s) and undertakes further to pay the difference between the estimated cost and actual cost of treatment to the said Hospital(s), if the situation so warrants against the invoice/bill raised by the Hospital.

(e) In the event of patient, after commencement of treatment declining to continue or have the treatment for any reason not due to any fault of the said Hospital(s), the advance payment made by the patient to the hospital for such treatment shall be returned only after adjusting actual expenditure incurred up to the time of stopping the treatment.